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Lead-free faucet suppliers are working hard to produce lead-free faucets

Several manufacturers are working to produce lead free faucets. They have developed methods for eliminating lead during production, and then certifying their products for lead content.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits the amount of lead that is allowed to be in public drinking water. It defines lead free as water with less than 8% lead, and less than 0.2 percent lead in the pipe and fittings.
Recently, state legislation has been introduced in California and Vermont that affects products sold in those states. It reduces the allowable lead content in plumbing fixtures from 8% to 0.25%. Despite this recent legislation, the amount of lead that is leached into water remains unchanged.
The EPA estimates that about 10-15% of the total human exposure to lead comes from drinking water. It is most absorbed through the lungs, but it is not necessary for water to be lead free to avoid the dangers of lead poisoning.
In an attempt to reduce the amount of lead in the water, manufacturers have replaced the brass alloy used in plumbing with other metals. These new faucets have a lead content of as low as 0.25 percent, and can perform as well as the traditional leaded faucets.
NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) is the leader in testing and certifying products. They test products to ensure they are safe for use, and they have been protecting health for over 60 years.
One of the most effective ways to lower the lead level in your home's water supply is to eliminate any lead-based paints, leaded gasoline, and aging infrastructure. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that schools have a lead content of no more than 1 part per billion (ppb).
In addition to eliminating lead from their faucets, Pfister also has an array of other products that meet CALGreen standards, which ensure that the overall potable water consumption in a household is reduced by at least 20%.

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