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Switching to a Lead Free Mixer Can Make a Big Difference to Your Health

The uninitiated may be forgiven for thinking lead free mixers are a thing of the past. However, new studies show that the chemical can be found in our drinking water at high levels. Using a lead free tap can make a big difference to your health. For example, a cheap aldi model from China can contain up to 15 times the recommended level of lead. That's not to mention the chemicals used in rust removal. It's time to take the leap. One way to do this is by switching your mixer for a newer, more modern design. A reputable manufacturer of premium quality products will be glad to oblige. Hopefully, you'll be able to sample the best of both worlds.
In particular, the Unleaded range is a stellar choice. Its array of features is designed to satisfy all of your needs. Not to mention the fact that the brand's name is synonymous with premium quality. You can't say that about many brands, can you? And as it turns out, the company is known for its green credentials, too. This is all the more reason to shop around for a lead free swank.
As you can see, the lead free mixer industry is ripe for the picking. With a bit of shopping around, you'll be able to find the perfect product for your home. But be sure to take the time to research and compare before you buy, for your family's health and wellbeing.

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