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Ultra-low lead tap lead test

Lead is present in drinking water, but can be eliminated by using a lead-free tap. These faucets are made from a metal called DZR brass. Some manufactures add copper tubes to brass faucets to reduce lead.
While lead is present in all plumbing materials, there are new technologies to help eliminate lead from water. For example, some manufacturers create plastic faucets with virtually no lead.
Lead is a chemical that can be absorbed into the body, particularly through the lungs. It is also a neurotoxin. This can cause a host of health issues, including hearing loss, anemia, impaired growth, and learning disabilities.
If you suspect that your tap is leaking lead, you can check it with your water supplier. You may be able to get a lead test free of charge if you request one.
There is evidence that lead leaching from taps is a problem in the US. However, the EPA has not put requirements in place for testing, treating, or filtering water.
The EPA should mandate stricter protections. Also, it should require that any plumbing fixtures be certified to be lead free.
A faucet with a NSF 61/9 stamp means it is ultra-low lead. To test if your tap is lead-free, you can collect multiple samples. Test them at a laboratory approved for lead testing.
Ideally, you should also take a few minutes to flush your plumbing before cooking. Flushing your plumbing removes any debris or stagnant water from the pipes.

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