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Using lead free faucets is an important choice for your home

Using lead free faucets is an important choice for your home. This is because lead is a toxic chemical that can affect your health and well-being. A lead free faucet supplier can offer you a wide variety of options. The faucets are durable, and come in a variety of styles and finishes.

Faucets that are certified to be "lead free" contain less than 0.25% lead by dry weight. This means that the faucet has been tested by an independent certified testing facility and passed a leaching test.

NSF is one of the leading certification agencies. They are also the leader in testing and standards development. They have been protecting health and the environment for more than 60 years.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency regulates lead in drinking water. Lead can enter drinking water when it gets into plumbing materials from rusting or corrosion. This is caused by aging infrastructure. Some of the most common sources of lead include pipes, water fittings, solders, and faucets.

In California, AB 1953, which was signed into law in 2010, limits the amount of lead in plumbing fixtures. It also requires manufacturers to advertise "lead free" faucets.

In addition to California, other states have passed similar legislation. Maryland will also begin to enforce this law in January 2012. It is estimated that 10-15 percent of the lead exposures in the U.S. come from drinking water. It is important to check your faucet for lead free status before buying it.

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